Anna Molloy
A Brief History
The original mission of The Lord’s Pantry at Anna’s House, as founded by Lucious Newsom, was to provide food for the needy on the near west side of Indianapolis. This was accomplished through donations solicited largely by Lucious himself, typically through personal solicitations from churches and from volunteers on Saturday mornings. This was a rather haphazard way to provide food on a regular basis. As the Pantry grew, its expenses grew and it outgrew this method of fundraising.
For several years, the weekly purchase of vegetables was paid for by a generous supporter of Anna’s House. However, that individual is no longer able to provide such assistance and Anna’s House is struggling to meet these ongoing needs. At a time when we are trying to raise money for a new building to provide even more services to the Stringtown neighborhood, we are falling behind in our ability to meet our core mission — to provide food to the needy on the near west side of Indianapolis.
The Need
It takes approximately $10,000 each month to cover the regular expenses of The Lord’s Pantry at Anna’s House. These expenses include the purchase of food for distribution on Saturday (much food is donated, but we also purchase many vegetables on a weekly basis), Wednesday dinners, wages and utilities. The purpose of Anna’s Angels is to fund those ongoing expenses with ongoing commitments from numerous supporters of The Lord’s Pantry at Anna’s House.
Anna’s Angels

Anna and Lucious Hand-in-Hand
Rather than relying on one person to provide a large donation to cover much of that ongoing expense, the Board of Directors of Anna’s House felt that a better approach would be to rely on many people to commit to smaller donations on a weekly or monthly basis — 100 people committing to contribute $25/week would meet the need. So would 400 people committing to contribute $25/month.
The aim is to get commitments totaling $10,000/month so that the need to fundraise for the monthly needs of the pantry can be reduced substantially and the focus of the fundraising efforts can be on the capital campaign for the new building. People who make such a commitment will be identified as Anna’s Angels and will receive recognition on the website and in the newsletter (if desired), a likely tax deduction (please consult your tax advisor) and the sincere appreciation of those who love The Lord’s Pantry at Anna’s House.
Please consider becoming an Anna’s Angel to ensure that the original mission of The Lord’s Pantry will continue to be met on a sustainable basis.
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