
Want to volunteer with Anna’s House?

You’ve come to the right place.

Step 1: Register to Volunteer

Every volunteer, adults included, over the age of 12 years is required to complete a volunteer registration. This is a one-time process that is required before moving to Step 2—Sign-Up to Volunteer.

Complete Your Volunteer Registration Today!

If you need to manage community service hours, you will need to complete the “Individual Volunteer Profile.” This will allow Anna’s House to easily track your service hours on your behalf.

Click Here to Complete Your Individual Volunteer Profile

For groups and families who do not need Anna’s House to track your volunteer hours for the individual members of your group (church organizations, philanthropic groups and families), please use the link below to complete the “Group/Family Volunteer Profile.”

Click Here to Complete Your Group/Family Volunteer Profile


Step 2: Sign-Up to Volunteer

Once you have completed your one-time volunteer registration, you can access the Volunteer Portal where volunteers can sign-up for a variety of volunteer opportunities. While here, you can also check your schedule, update your profile information, check service hours (if applicable) and receive messages.

Sign Up for Volunteer Opportunities Today!

Click Here to Volunteer

Volunteer Opportunities

Saturday Morning Grocery Distribution

Photo of a group of boy scouts and their leaders who volunteer at The Lord's Pantry at Anna's House.Volunteers are welcome every Saturday from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to help distribute groceries. Tasks include helping to unload food, creating organized and beautiful displays of the food, helping our clients carry their groceries and distributing food. Volunteers as young as 5-years-old, when accompanied by an adult, are welcome. 

Please complete your volunteer registration form (above) and register to volunteer.


Thursday Daytime Volunteers

Anna’s House Multi-Service Center has been given the opportunity to partner with Walmart in our effort to alleviate hunger through The Lord’s Pantry at Anna’s House. We will be picking up a box-truck load of non-perishable items twice a month and need your help in unloading the truck. This is an opportunity for all but it is a terrific opportunity for students needing service hours as well.

Wednesday Evening Community Dinner Volunteers

Volunteers are welcome every Wednesday from 5 — 8 p.m. to help serve dinner. If you would like to volunteer — either as an individual or a group, please visit our Sign-Up Genius page to select your date(s) and register.

Tuesday mid-day ESL Classes Child Care Volunteers

Volunteers are needed to assist with providing free childcare during our Tuesday mid-day ESL Classes. If you would like to volunteer — either as an individual or a group, please visit our Sign-Up Genius page to select your date(s) and register.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Breakfast Volunteers — November – February

Breakfast helpers — every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we serve breakfast to about 40–50 and displaced individuals. Volunteers are needed from 8 — 10:30 a.m. Breakfast is served from 9 — 10 a.m. The menu has been prepared and foods are purchased. We need help cooking, serving and cleaning up. Please visit our Sign-Up Genius page to select your date(s) and register.


  1. Pingback: West side food pantry says it’s in ‘critical’ need of volunteers - Indianapolis News Station

  2. Pingback: West side food pantry says it's in 'critical' need of volunteers - WISH-TV | Indianapolis News | Indiana Weather - Today Trend News

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